Due to my background in Broadcast and my fondness for learning people’s stories, passions, heartaches, mischiefs and life lessons, in the beginning of 2019 I started a podcast titled The Red Transmissions. It is a series of conversations with artists, activists and worldthreaders I encounter in my travels, who share the behind-the-curtains process of their projects.

The podcast is currently listed in Apple’s Noteworthy Podcasts in the Arts & Culture segment, and is also aired several times a month in the community radio station in Berlin Keith FM, as well as through the Trafika Europe Research radio project.

Available on Spotify, iTunes, and most other podcast providers.


Listen to all the other episodes here:


As part of my work as Media Manager for Albatros Expeditions (a Danish company that offers voyages to the Polar Regions), I created an interview series called Ocean Waves Podcast, to get more in-depth knowledge about the regions being visited, the wildlife, the history… told by biologists, geologists, Expedition Team Members and other guest experts.

Due to COVID, in the beginning of 2020 the travel industry suffered a huge set-back, which led to an almost full collapse of most companies related to travel. As a result, the podcast was discontinued as part of an effort to cut back expenses by the few left in the company. Here is a sample episode, which you can listen to here. The wonderful thing about this podcast is that it was recorded onboard the ship during the expeditions, so I got to interview expedition team, keynote speakers, climatologists and other interesting characters during the time the podcast existed, in locations like Greenland, Iceland and the Arctic Circle.